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42nd ANNUAL OFAEMA SCHOOL > M-2 Management Fleet Supervisor Level 2
M-2 Management Fleet Supervisor Level 2
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Price: $350.00
Availability: space still available
Prod. Code: Wednesday/Thursday

This class is provided by Michael Young and OFAEMA


The Fleet Management exams are based on the principals published by the Association of Equipment Management Professionals (AEMP) in The Career Equipment Fleet Manager. Reference publication ordering information to prepare for the Management Exam is listed at the top of the page of the exam's learning objectives

Registering for this class does not register the person for EVTCC Testing. To Register to take the EVT Test associated with this class go to www.evtcc.org and register with them before February 21st.


Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th (8:00-4:00)

Instructor: Michael Young, Fire Maintenance Supervisor, City of Alexandria Fire Maintenance