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42nd ANNUAL OFAEMA SCHOOL > Fire Apparatus Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing of Fire Apparatus F-1
Fire Apparatus Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing of Fire Apparatus F-1
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Price: $175.00
Availability: space still available
Prod. Code: Friday

This class is provided by Michael Young & OFAEMA

EVT F1 Review and Test Prep

This course covers the maintenance, inspection, and testing of Emergency Fire Apparatus vehicles as described in NFPA 1910, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing and Retirement of In-Service Emergency Vehicles. This course serves as both a refresher course for technicians performing annual inspections, as well as a prep course for those taking the EVT F1 exam. It is designed to cover the learning objectives outlined on the EVT F1 study guide. Every effort will be made to cover as many of the learning objectives as time allows. Students taking the EVT F1 exam should be prepared to review any learning objectives not covered due to time restrictions. 

It is recommended students have access to a printed or digital copy of the latest NFPA 1910-2024 Standards book when preparing for the F1 exam. 


Registering for this class does not register the person for EVTCC Testing. To Register to take the EVT Test associated with this class go to www.evtcc.org and register with them before February 21st.                                                           


Friday 8th, (8:00-4:00)


Instructor: Michael Young, Fire Maintenance Supervisor, City of Alexandria Fire Dept.